KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 6: Fall 2016
Poem: 93 words

matchbox luck

by Jim Trainer
always with those
tiny talismans&totems
some superstitious line of defense
the impossibility of that life
not as wont to thank God
in those lean years
leaning on 
matchbox luck
to stave off
our no-chance blues
was when
on the corner
they could
hear you holler
and if somebody came around
with something warm
you shared it
those were days of love&wonder
and against a hostile city
we proved our love
all night long
it was a new innocence
a fine religion
in Philly then
when I was 

Jim Trainer’s
Issue 6, Fall 2016

work has appeared in Raw Paw 6: Alien, The Waggle, Philadelphia Stories, Divergent Magazine, Anthology Philly, A Series of Moments, PoetryInk, Verbicide Magazine, and the Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review. The release of September, his second full-length collection of poetry, coincides with the founding of Yellow Lark Press. Trainer lives in Austin, Texas where he serves as curator of Going For The Throat, a weekly publication of cynicism, outrage, correspondence, and romance.

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