KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
“Flash isn’t a fad, it’s an art; and while I hope people can have fun with it, its pursuit should still be taken seriously.”
— Tara L. Masih, editor of Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction

Copyrights of all Works (including text and images) that are published at this website are retained by their original authors and artists.

The KYSO Flash website is copyrighted © 2014-2019 and contains text, proprietary computer code, and graphic images that are protected by international copyright conventions. Resale use of any of the content from this website is prohibited.

Website design and construction are copyrighted © 2014-2019 by Clare MacQueen. The majority of editorial content is copyrighted © 2014-2019 by Clare MacQueen; this site also contains editorial content copyrighted by Jack Cooper. KYSO Flash was conceived in May 2014, and the initial website was launched on 20 June 2014, in the state of North Carolina (USA). The debut issue of the online journal was officially launched on October first, 2014. Since July 2015, KYSO Flash has been based in Washington state (USA).

KYSO Flash retains three types of publication rights, including first worldwide electronic publishing rights. Rights to republish works revert to authors and artists 24 hours (one day) after their initial publication at this website.

No material from KYSO Flash may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the copyright holder(s). However, within the conventional practices of fair use, you are welcome to quote text from this website for your own personal, not-for-profit, and non-commercial use, or for the purposes of writing reviews to promote this journal or the works of individuals published here. In all cases, please include proper attribution and keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices.

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KYSOWebmaster [at] gmail [dot] com

Permissions and Credits

About Page: Quotation re lightning at the top of the page appears by permission from publisher.

Books Page: The KYSO Flash logo is copyrighted © by Clare MacQueen, all rights reserved, and was designed in collaboration with James Fancher.

Dedication Page: Photos of Kelley M. Smith and Clare MacQueen are reproduced by permission of Gary Gibbons.

Home/Welcome Page: Quotation by Sean Thomas Dougherty appears by permissions from Dougherty and the publisher/author of the interview.

Navigation Menu: Quotation by Tara L. Masih, which appears below the navigation menu on selected pages, appears by author’s permission.

Submission Guidelines Page: Image of Michael Sweere’s stone and ceramic-tile mosaic, Cicada, is reproduced by artist’s permission.

Submission Guidelines Page: Quotation from Poet’s Market 2014 appears by permissions from publisher and from editor Robert Lee Brewer.

Visual Arts: Unless otherwise indicated with a note from publisher Clare MacQueen that the work resides in the public domain, all reproductions of visual arts appear at this website by permissions from their respective artists and copyright holders (and/or their estates).

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