KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 3: Spring 2015
Nonfiction: 523 words

Introduction: Issue 3

by Clare MacQueen,

Welcome to our latest issue! Thanks so much for taking time to visit. And our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has responded so favorably to our little journal. We’re delighted to offer you yet another stupendous issue, with numerous exciting flash works and visual arts to savor. Here are just a few examples:

Just After Sleep, a chapbook of 23 haibun and haibun stories by our Featured Author Dan Gilmore. His work has been called “solid gold” and “deliciously readable” by Steve Kowit, the poet-editor-teacher whose writing manual, In the Palm of Your Hand: The Poet’s Portable Workshop, is used in college classrooms and writing workshops across the USA.

Gilmore was the first author to answer our challenge to write haibun stories for this issue, and we were so impressed with them that we invited him to send us more. One thing led to another, as the saying goes, and the chapbook that now appears here in KF-3 is also available in soft-cover at Amazon.

Three new poems by Judy Jordan from her third book, Hunger, which chronicles the two years she lived off-grid in a greenhouse. Jordan is a poet, novelist, and professor of creative writing whose first book of poetry, Carolina Ghost Woods (LSU Press, 1996), won the 1999 Walt Whitman Award of The Academy of American Poets, the 2000 National Book Critics Circle Award, the Utah Book of the Year Award for Poetry, the Oscar Arnold Young Book Prize of the Poetry Council of North Carolina, and the Thomas Wolfe Literary Award.

Tonight We Will Bloom for One Night Only, a poem by Alexis Rhone Fancher which won the 2014 Summer Poetry Contest at the Los Angeles Poet Society. Fancher is a poet and photographer based in L.A. whose sizzling work has been nominated for three Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net Award. She is poetry editor of Cultural Weekly and the author of How I Lost My Virginity to Michael Cohen and Other Heart Stab Poems (Sybaritic Press, 2014).

Options, micro-fiction by Jack Cooper which was first-place winner in the Flash Fiction Chronicles String-of-10 SEVEN Contest (Spring 2015). Cooper’s first formal collection of poetry, Across My Silence, was published in 2007. His work has been nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize. He also serves as a Contributing Editor for KYSO Flash.

Five astonishing paintings by John Sokol, an Ohio-based writer of poems and short stories, and a prolific artist who’s known for his abstract paintings which include a wide range of media from beverages to condiments and cleaning supplies. He is also known for his collection of “word portraits” which depict numerous world-famous writers, using lines of their own words reproduced in pen-and-ink.

And there’s much much more! We invite you to browse your favorite genres: flash and micro-fictions, graphic flash, prose poems, lineated poems, tanka and tanka prose, haibun and haibun stories galore—the list of wonderful works includes 110 total.

(For folks like me who are interested in such things, the basic stats are these: 78 new works and 32 “reprints” [or 27.3% of the total] by 46 artists; 26 men [56.5%] and 20 women [43.5%].)

As always, many thanks for dropping by, and we hope you enjoy what you find on our menu...

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