KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 2: Winter 2015
Haibun: 130 words [R]

Dream Date

by Lynne Rees

It’s not going to work between me and Gerard Butler despite the way he hugs me, rocks me with his enthusiasm, his smile. Even though he turns away his ex-girlfriend who turns up in a gold lamé negligee. Even though he has a male assistant called Mitzi with a bald head.

He has four dogs. He feeds them on broken biscuits and crackers. His house is a warren of tunnels and secret doors. And the forest fire is getting closer, flames wrapping the hillside, running down towards the edge of the lake, which may save us, or may not. His father was Spanish, he says quietly as we leave the house with only a picnic basket.

Kind of Blue
believing I loved him
and all that fucking jazz

—Previously appeared in Haibun Today (Volume 8, Number 3, September 2014); republished by author’s permission

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