KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 12: Summer 2019
Photo-Poem: 21 words
Caption Note: 31 words
Climate Crisis

dear leaders

by Kelli Fitzpatrick

dear leaders, photo-poem by Kelli Fitzpatrick

Photograph copyrighted © 2018 by Kelli Fitzpatrick: “This is a device that American officials used to test nuclear bombs during the Cold War, on display at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History in Albuquerque, New Mexico.”

Photo-poem (free verse + photograph) copyrighted © 2019
by Kelli Fitzpatrick. All rights reserved.

dear leaders 

I don’t think 
you realize 

how thin the thread 
we’ve hung 
ourselves by 

how far and final 
the fallout


Kelli Fitzpatrick
Issue 12, Summer 2019

is an author, teacher, and community activist based in mid-Michigan. Her Star Trek short story “The Sunwalkers” is published in Strange New Worlds 2016 (Simon and Schuster). Her flash fiction appears in Flash Fiction Online, KYSO Flash, and Still Life journal, and her poetry, in Dunes Review. In 2016, she placed fourth in the international NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge, and she has several critical essays in print from Sequart and ATB Publishing. She advises a creative writing group for teen students, enjoys volunteering for local nonprofit organizations including the Saginaw Bay Writing Project, and avidly promotes public education and the arts.

Find the author on Twitter [at] KelliFitzWrites, and visit her website at:

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