KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 11: Spring 2019
Poem: 85 words [R]

On the Train (#16)

by David Subacchi

Tell me something 
Is it Saint Pancreas or Saint Pankers 
You wot 
The station 
Umm, it’s deffo not Pancreas 
Cos, Pancreas is like your kidneys 
Yea, like your insides 
It’s a station 
I know but... 
Must be Pankers then 
Wot line is it on 
Dunno, it’s just a station 
Must be Saint Pankers then 
No, that sounds wrong 
Well it’s one or the other 
Saint Kidneyminster 
I’ve heard of that 
You’re daft you are 
So are you.


—From a series of “On the Train” found poems by Subacchi; Number 16 was published previously on the poet’s Facebook page (4 December 2018) and appears here with his permission.


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