KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
“Flash isn’t a fad, it’s an art; and while I hope people can have fun with it, its pursuit should still be taken seriously.”
— Tara L. Masih, editor of Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction
Update: Fall 2016/
Spring 2017 *

Nominations for The Best Small Fictions 2017

KYSO Flash is pleased to announce the nomination of five works (which we published during calendar year 2016) for the third annual Best Small Fictions Anthology *

Flash Fiction:


Prose Poem:


* Results announced in Spring 2017 and included two works from KYSO Flash:

 Picking Sunflowers for Van Gogh, a haibun story first published in KF-6 by Harriot West, was among the 55 winning works selected by Guest Editor Amy Hempel for the 2017 anthology.

 Hackmuth’s Mannequin Dream by Dan Gilmore (from his collection of haibun stories New Shoes published by KYSO Flash in 2015) was nominated for BSF by an outside editor and later selected as one of the 49 finalists.

Although finalists were not reprinted in the anthology, they were acknowledged in a list at the back of the book.

See also our previous nominations:

The Best Small Fictions 2016

The Best Small Fictions 2015 (debut issue)

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